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kohsar Valley Housing Scheme

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24 / 7

24 / 7

Smart Security System

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International Hospital

International Hospital

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Years Experienced






At a

Our project is built in the most luxurious way and developed by the best team of professionals. kohsar Valley has been shaping landscapes and lives in Wahh since the project’s inception in 2022. Not just about building homes, kohsar Valley develops value-added, master-planned communities housing thousands of families who are enjoying a complete living experience. along with one of the best commercial districts for B2B opportunities for the businessmen of tomorrow

Quality and Excellence

Our organization is dedicated to provide services that can measure performance, respect the lofty goals our company has, and work to achieve excellence by giving our very best in order to achieve the required quality.

Our Values

Leadership and teamwork

With its strong conviction in professionalism, accountability, innovation, and working as a single team, our organization is firmly devoted to encouraging individual and group leadership roles that drive growth for our company.

Our Values


We have the guts to take ownership of our roles in all we do. We make sure that our staff are empowered, supported, and encouraged to take ownership of their work

Our Values


Businesses and marketplaces are developing quickly and changing all the time. Because of this, we are always prepared to invent and always look for new methods to incorporate them into our services and to offer new ones that give clients the greatest risk management tools.

Our Values


Kohsar Valley

As life gets busier and busier, it is essential to find a place where you can relax, unwind, and leave the stress of life behind.


January, 2023


Sheltering the seeds of a better future. With partnerships of the finest team of educationalists who facilitating learning

Grand Mosque

March, 2023


A mega project among 5 Largest masajid of Pakistan!
One of the most beloved places to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’la is the mosque. And it is said whoever builds a mosque his house will be built in paradise.

International Hospital

May, 2023


World-class medical facilities within walking and driving distance. A place where your well-being becomes our priority.

Underground Electrification

April, 2023


An international icon of beautiful architecture. A perfect place for your family picnics and evenings strolls


February, 2023


Safety of our citizens is of utmost importance in creating a robust society. Building sustainable communities that are inclusive, secure and sensitive to needs of the citizens will continue to be of Kohsar Valley priority.

Tropical liver disease

April, 2020


Nec mattis nibh dignissim sapien phasellus nisi feugiat si hac consequat. Vivamus vestibulum enim luctus risus dignissim mollis non pretium.

kohsar valley PROJECT


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Under Construction Homes

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Main Roads

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kohsar Valley

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kohsarvalley Developent

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

What our
client say

Dilawar Khan
IT Professional

Kohsar Valley has been a positive experience for me. I was initially unsure where to invest, but this society’s dependability drew me in. I invested in it and am relieved that my investment is in safe hands.

Muhammad Ali
Marketing Consultant

My dream of owning a home has taken a step forward, and I took it with Kingdom Valley because they are trustworthy and their society provides everything I am searching for my family.

Shah Farooq

Kohsar Valley is a worthwhile investment. I heard about it and my friend and I invested after thoroughly researching it. I’m delighted to invest here.